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The balcony of the Marne

The balcony of the Marne
The balcony of the Marne
The balcony of the Marne
The balcony of the Marne


4h walk including the Saint-Antoine de Carnetin church, the aqueduct of the Dhuis and the banks of the Marne.

Technical informations

This circuit was updated on: 19/03/2024
13 km
4 h
max. 126 m
min. 40 m
210 m
Style : Hiking

Altimetric profile

Starting point

2 2 rue du chemin de fer , 77400 Lagny-sur-Marne
Lat : 48.880274Lng : 2.704655

Points of interest

image du object

Aqueduc de la Dhuis

La promenade de la Dhuis vous conduis sur 27 km de voie verte. Située à flanc de coteaux, elle offre une alternance de paysages agréables et divers. L'aqueduc traverse 4 communes de Marne et Gondoire.Construit sous le Second Empire (Napoléon III) afin d’alimenter Paris en eau potable, il sert aujourd’hui à fournir en eau le parc Disneyland Paris et l’est de la région parisienne. Son point de départ se trouve à Pargny-la-Dhuys dans l’Aisne. Il franchit 21 vallées d’une profondeur comprise entre 20 et 73 m, et traverse le sud du département de l’Aisne, la Seine-et-Marne, la Seine-Saint-Denis sur 132 km avant d’aboutir à Paris, au réservoir de Ménilmontant.

Chemin de la Dhuys 77400 Dampmart
- Marne et Gondoire Tourisme -
image du object

Banks of the Marne

On foot, by bike, on horseback, by boat... The Marne and its banks can be discovered throughout the whole year. The river runs through nine communes of Marne and Gondoire.The Marne is the longest French tributary. 525 km long, the Marne begins in Haute-Marne, on the Langres plateau. You can travel along its 183 km of navigable streams, from Epernay to its confluence the Seine, and enjoy a river stop at Lagny-sur-Marne. It is the ideal departure point to discover a region with a rich natural and historic heritage, but also to enjoy water and sporting activities like rowing and canoeing.

Quai de la Gourdine 77400 Lagny-sur-Marne
- Marne et Gondoire Tourisme -
image du object

Église Saint-Antoine

La construction de l’église Saint-Antoine remonte aux 17ème et 18ème siècle. La cloche Alphonsine-Albertine rythme la vie du village. Une statue de Saint-Vincent du 19ème siècle rappelle le caractère viticole de la commune.

rue Albert Mattar 77400 Carnetin
- Marne et Gondoire Tourisme -
image du object

Point de vue de Carnetin

A l’extrémité de la rue de la Croix, le calvaire domine la vallée de la Marne, offrant un magnifique point de vue. Référez-vous à la table d’orientation pour découvrir le panorama.

rue de la Croix 77400 Carnetin
- Marne et Gondoire Tourisme -
image du object


Visitez Carnetin, un village labellisé "Village de Caractère" , le plus petit village de Marne et Gondoire et le plus élevé.Carnetin domine la vallée de la Marne à 125 m d'altitude. Au pied du belvédère, il offre un panorama exceptionnel que vous pouvez décrypter grâce à la table d'orientation. 90% de la commune est composée d'espaces naturels ou paysagés où il fait bon se promener et se ressourcer. Gîtes et chambres d'hôtes vous permettent de faire une halte loin du tumulte de la ville pour profiter des chemins de randonnée et pour découvrir le patrimoine et les curiosités du village. Depuis le site Baludik, téléchargez gratuitement le circuit ludique et familial "Roubert Mattar, le pigeon dans les rues de Carnetin" pour découvrir le patrimoine.

Rue Albert Mattar 77400 Carnetin
- Marne et Gondoire Tourisme -

Additional information


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Open period

All year round.

Updated by

Office de Tourisme de Marne et Gondoire - 18/03/2024
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The Cirkwi brief

Discover Marne et Gondoire's Secret Paths and Landmarks

Embark on a semi-urban, semi-natural stroll through the diverse landscapes of Marne et Gondoire, brought to you by the local tourism office. This journey seamlessly blends urban exploration with the tranquility of nature. From the bustling streets near the Gare to the serene paths by the Marne river, every step is an invitation to discover the quaint village of Carnetin, the historical aqueduct de la Dhuis, and the hidden trails of Thorigny-sur-Marne. It's more than just a walk; it's a narrative woven through the heart of Marne et Gondoire, promising picturesque views and unexpected encounters, such as a closeness with nature in the company of ostriches.

Paths, Peaks, and Points: A Technical Overview

Spanning a distance of 13.2 km, this route is marked by significant topographical variety, with elevations ranging from 40 meters to a maximum of 125 meters above sea level. The cumulative positive elevation change is 420 meters, showcasing both the route's challenge and its rewarding vistas. Delivered in a compact form, this route, designed by the Office of Tourism of Marne et Gondoire, demands moderate physical fitness, primarily due to its undulating nature and the potential for muddy paths during wet conditions. This overview underscores the physical demands and scenic rewards of the journey.

Essential Seasonal Tips and Safety

Different seasons offer unique experiences along this route. Spring and autumn present mild temperatures and vibrant landscapes, ideal for those looking to capture the essence of Marne et Gondoire. However, paths can be slippery after rain; sturdy footwear is essential. Summer offers long, lush days perfect for extended exploration, though hydration is key under the sun. In winter, the scenery transforms, but prepare for potentially muddy sections and shorter daylight hours. Always respect traffic laws when crossing roads, especially the busy D418, and consider carrying a map for navigation through the less marked sections.

A Glimpse into Marne et Gondoire's Rich Heritage

Marne et Gondoire, nestled within the department of Seine-et-Marne, occupies a special place in French history and culture. The region's story is deeply intertwined with that of the Marne river, a lifeline during various epochs. The aqueduct de la Dhuis, a marvel from the Second Empire era, showcases the ingenuity of past engineers. This route not only offers a physical journey but also a deep dive into the historical layers that have shaped this terrain, from its rural beginnings to its current status as a natural sanctuary within the bustling Ile-de-France region.

Weather Insights for Optimal Visitation

The region enjoys a temperate climate, with distinct seasons offering varying experiences. Spring and autumn are particularly pleasant, with moderate temperatures and reduced crowds. This period is perfect for enjoying the route's natural and historical features without the extremes of summer heat or winter chill. Summer brings warmer days, ideal for extended daylight exploration, but ensure to protect against the sun. Winter, while cold, offers a unique, tranquil beauty, though some paths may be more challenging. The optimal visitation times are late spring to early autumn, balancing weather conditions and the route's natural charm.

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